Seeing with the Soul
An Exploration of the Way of the Visionary

Indigenous cultures traditionally look to the wisdom of the changing seasons and the four directions for guidance in leading a good and true life.

In nature's cycles we can see our own cycles and in nature we can find a mirror to our own inner nature.

This workshop is inspired by the cross-cultural research of anthropologist, Angeles Arrien, and the resulting model of universal wisdom she calls the Four-Fold Way.

The lessons of the Warrior (north), the Healer (south), the Visionary (east), and the Teacher (west) can help us rediscover our authentic selves.

Through an experiential process that includes shamanic journeying and the creation of art,
we will gather lessons from the four directions and bring understanding to the cycles and seasons of our changing lives.

Focusing on the Way of the Visionary, we will:
*learn about truth-telling
*remove the mask of our false-self system and learn to act from our authentic self
*explore the shadow issues of self-abandonment and projection
*connect with our creative purpose and life dream
*honour the four ways of seeing

It is the Way of the Visionary to tell the truth without blame or judgement. Truthfulness, authenticity, and integrity are keys to developing our vision and intuition. We express the way of the Visionary through personal creativity, setting goals, making plans, and awakening our ability to bring our life dreams and visions into the world.

Just as nature moves into abundance and fullness in the season of summer, we can use the resource of vision in the east to support the coming into fullness of our own nature.

This is one of a series of four weekend workshops exploring the Four-Fold Way season by season , led by Sharon Van Raalte